A day spent out of the office…

The Wilderness Society is categorized as a non-profit and often seen as a tree-hugging organization. But my experience in the DC office has been nothing but a professional, corporate, business like atmosphere. It’s the 9-5, computer-using, phone call making, meeting after meeting kind of job. This office often misses the lands they have worked so hard to protect.

Friday, September 27th, TWS spent the day removing invasive English Ivy from Rock Creek Park in the DC area. It was public lands day and our corporate social responsibility (CSR) to participate. The park is ABSOLUTLEY beautiful.  View Rock Creek Park website http://www.nps.gov/rocr/index.htm

Participating with TWS on public lands day was awesome. I learned not only about invasive species but the bond TWS has with their community and one another. My PR classes in college explained the meaning of corporate social responsibility and the importance it veils for your business but I never knew the joy and morale it can build among employees. A day in the fresh air, giving back to their communities was a great change of pace for the DC office. We got to see each other out of business suits and fluorescent lighting and instead in jeans and sunlight.

Participating in public lands day or any CSR event gives the communications department some work to do. For this event we produced a press release as well as statement on our website.

View our statement http://wilderness.org/press-release/conservation-organizations-partner-dc-service-project-celebrate-national-public-landsService day

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